Dawn Paquette
Aug 21, 20221 min read

May 27, 20221 min read

Apr 19, 20221 min read

Mar 9, 20221 min read
​​Most families strive to achieve economic stability over the course of a lifetime.
Work with a coach to meet your goals, whether they are to own your own home,
get a degree, make a financial plan, or find a career you like.​​​​​​
Looking into higher education options
Researching career paths and applying for jobs
Providing guidance in paying off student loans
Taking part in our FAIM program to help pay for your education or other assets (eligibility guidelines apply)
Signing-up for GED or CNA/TMA classes, sponsored by Community Action Duluth​​​​
Creating budgets
Credit building
Asset building
Debt reduction and payments
Increasing savings​​​
Homebuyer counseling and Common Cents Classes
First home time loans and resource navigation
Looking for a way to build savings to purchase a home or other asset? Take part in our FAIM savings account program.
For every $1 you save, $3 will be added to your FAIM account with a maximum match of $6,000 allowing you to save up to $8,000. In addition to help building your savings, you will be provided with guidance and coaching towards your goals and take part in our Common Cents class.
Use the savings for a small business start-up, small business expansion, educational expenses, or for the purchase of a home or vehicle.
To participate, you must:
Be a Minnesota resident, age 18 years or older
Have earned Income
Be within income guidelines
Have assets below $10,000
*Our FAIM program is not currently accepting applicants.
To be added to our waitlist reach out to our office at 218-726-1665
or email info@communityactionduluth.org.