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Free Tax Site

An estimated 7 million Americans fail to file their income taxes. Losing on average $2000 worth of credit. 

Keep your money, file free with us the right way the first time​​​​​​

Our Tax Site is Open for the season through

April 8th. 

In-person tax return preparation is offered to households who make under $84K a year.

Weekly Schedule
5:00 PM-9:00 PM Walk-in Clinic 
5:00 PM-9:00 PM Walk-In Clinic 
9:00 AM-5:00 PM Off Site Clinic 
***5:00 PM Walk-In Clinic

**Due to high volume of walk ins and drop offs and volunteer availability, the tax site will be limiting our Thursday clinics to the first Ten people. We apologize for the inconvenience.** 
Drop Off Only

***Due to the high demand for tax help this year, our appointments have filled up for the season. We welcome any and all to come pick up a tax packet from our office M-F 8AM-4PM and get your Taxes filed through our Walk-In Clinics!***

Meet Our Team!

TaKeesha Coon

Tax Site Program Manager

218-726-1665 Ext. 239

Sasha Choporov

Tax Site Coordinator

218-726-1665 Ext. 216


​​Having issue with the IRS? 

Give our new legal partners a call!




​​​File an Extension:

Click here to get the information to file an extension if you cannot file by the tax deadline of April 15, 2025 if you owe.


File on Your Own:  Want to try filing for yourself? Both of these free software programs are supported by the IRS. It’s free for most. Tax Act or Online Taxes



*** Bring all relevant documents ***

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