Jul 10, 20241 min read

Dec 20, 20220 min read

Oct 22, 20221 min read

Dawn Paquette
Sep 27, 20221 min read
Looking for a job or have trouble finding the right resources to support you?
Learn more about our job training programs!​​​​​​
Community Construction is focused on providing a path to living-wage employment in the building trades to people facing barriers to employment, while at the same time addressing the affordable housing issue in our community. The program does this by offering transitional employment opportunities in which participants remodel homes for low income families and learn trade skills in the process. Participants learn skills like tool safety, measuring, construction math, blueprint reading, roofing, and more.
We are not currently seeking participants, but you can learn more about the program here.​
Those who are enrolled in the Minnesota Family Investment Program can request to work with a CAD Employment Counselor through the St. Louis County office. The MFIP program assists parents and their dependents in meeting employment, education, and other goals. The program offers a combined support of SNAP food assistance as well as financial assistance. The Bridge to Employment team is here to help with any questions, concerns, and requirements of the program as well as other CAD and community resources.
Stream Corps offers 11-month paid employment training positions to individuals who have struggled to attain or retain employment. Participants learn employment soft skills as well as job-specific hard skills with a focus on the natural sciences. Some of the job-specific skills include how to operate a chainsaw, work with GPS and GIS technology, and apply pesticides. Certification for these skills is also offered by SAWW, Frontier Precision, and the MN Department of Agriculture.
We are not currently seeking participants, but you can learn more about the program here.
​Catch this article about our Stream Corps Leader Eben Phillips and the awesome work he and our Stream Corps are up to! https://storymaps.arcgis.com/collections/126722ae1e6e4a0abb670afe6b2529fe?item=4
Video Courtesy of Duluth News Tribune​
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