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Changes to SNAP/EBT benefits


2022 brought a number of changes in policies related to health care. The same can be said for SNAP/EBT benefits. To be able to receive food support, many factors are taken into account including household income, expenses, disability, and employment. When only a few dollars over gross income guidelines, some households would find themselves ineligible for or losing benefits.

When calculating income, both net and gross income guidelines are taken into account. This year, Minnesota became the 20th state to increase gross income guidelines for SNAP benefits to 200% of FPG. This is a significant increase from the original 165%. Families who found themselves just over income guidelines might now find themselves newly eligible as of September 1st, 2022. These households must still have enough deductions such as utilities, rent, mortgage, or childcare to meet the net income guidelines to qualify.

What does this mean for Minnesotans? With this change, it is expected that 1,400 households could be newly eligible for SNAP/EBT benefits. The best way to see if you may be eligible is to apply online at, at your local county or tribal office, or with the help of a SNAP Outreach worker. In St Louis County, SNAP Outreach staff are available at Community Action Duluth by calling 218-726-1665 or emailing Staff can provide free assistance applying, turning in verifications, or reporting changes to see if you may be a Minnesotan newly eligible for benefits.

Interested in learning more about the change? Check out this policy brief provided by Hunger Solutions.


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