We are excited to announce that Mobile Market will add another regular market location starting next week. On the second Wednesday of each month from 1 to 3 pm, starting July 14, we will visit Bay View Elementary School in the Bayview neighborhood of Duluth. We will offer the same low cost staples and produce as at our other locations.

As with our other locations, customers making purchases with their EBT cards receive produce items at a 50% discount. There are free produce items for individuals under age 18 or over 60 who attend the market. Preorders can be placed through the Community Action Duluth website, and if you are unable to order through the website you may call 218-726-1665.
The Mobile Market is a grocery-store-on-wheels that is stocked with fresh produce, as well as staples such as grains, dairy, canned goods, and other items. For more information, visit the Health and Food page of our website, or follow our Facebook page for regular updates with Market days and locations.