Feb 110 min read

Dec 17, 20240 min read
Digital Navigation
Do you need help with the basics of using your computer? Our community tech coordinator can help you set up an email account, create a Word document, add an attachment, join a Zoom meeting, and more. Learn more here.
This service is available on Mon and Tue from 11 am to 12 pm or Thu from 10 am to 12 pm by emailing Cyndi or calling 218-726-1665 x214.
Computer Skills Class
Unfamiliar with technology? Learn how to navigate the internet and technology to build your confidence in our digital world. We will hold a class or individualized sessions this summer and are currently rebuilding our curriculum. We will share more information here when it becomes available. In the meantime, please contact Cyndi if you would like to be on the wait list, or call 218-726-1665.
The TechUp program is over and all computers and hotspots have been distributed. We do not plan to offer this program in the future.